Novel mix of growth and color enhancing trace elements, based on a unique and experimentally confi rmed receipe which perfectly adopts to modern artifi cal seasalt mixes.
This stateof-the-art element mix aligns the micronutrient consumption of tropical corals with the environmental light conditions generated by LED lighting systems.
It allows for stable conditions in the micronutrient budget in coral reef aquaria, and thereby signifi cantly increases coral growth rates and coral coloration. Due to the special formulation of the elements this mix does not lead to the accumulation of excess toxic trace metals in the aquarium and effectively prevents the growth of unwanted algae.
Weekly 2 - 3 ml per/100 l (26 US gal.) Volume
Flourine , 3 x Jodine-complex, Brome, Potassium. Based on inorganic compounds
Suitable to Balling Light System or other Systems based on Zeolith or Pelletfiltration.
• supplements grow active Elements and increase the calcification rates
• increase coral tissue grow and coloration of SPS and LPS Corals
• improve the flourescent effect
• provide the coral against radiation stress
• effective concentrate (50% less consumption)
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- Rekefór, tilsetninger og utstyr
Teknisk utstyr
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- Akvariefilter
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- Aqua Nova Reservedeler
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Eheim reservedeler
Eheim Utvendig filter
- Eheim eXperience
- Eheim Professionel 3 Reservedeler
- Eheim Professionel 4+
- 2074 Prof 3E
- 2076 - 2078 Prof 3E
- Eheim 2080 - 2180 Prof 3
- 2026 - 2128 Proff 2
- 2126 - 2128
- 2222 - 2324 Proff 1
- 2226 - 2228 Proff 1
- 2326 - 2328 Termofilter
- 2227 - 2329 Proff 1
- 2032 - 2034 Ecco Pro
- 2036 Ecco Pro
- 2231 - 2233 Ecco
- 2235 Ecco
- Eheim Classic 150 (2211)
- Eheim 2213 Classic 250
- Eheim 2215 Classic 350
- Eheim 2217 Classic 600
- Eheim 2260 Classic 1500XL
- Eheim Classic 1500 XL (2260)
- Innvendig filter
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Eheim Utvendig filter
- Aquarium Systems
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Zophobas Morio er kjent under flere navn som Zophobas, Superworms, kjempemelorm mm. Zophobas er en meget næringsrik larve med høyt proteininnhold, høyere enn i kylling og fisk. Insektmel av Zophobas larver har gjennomsnittlig følgende næringsinnhold:
- Protein 39-49%
- Fett 29-43%
Selges i gram.
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