Min S Our best coral food made for all corals in the saltwater aquarium
MIN S is a liquid food that helps achieve healthy growth, rich colors and extraordinary tissue fluorescence.
With a unique combination of natural feed particles, marine biopolymers and organic nutrients, MIN S supplies your coral with exactly that. The addition of MIN S ensures that your coral constantly receives the same nutritious content found in nature.
- Natural feed concentrate made from high quality raw materials
- Perfect balance of food particles and solids, combined with amino acids, vitamins and trace elements
- Perfect for nutrient-poor reef systems
- Suitable for all corals
- Very effective due to high concentration
- Extreme polyp extension and growth
Start with 0.3 ml / 250 liters
(66 US gal) every 2 days
Ingredients: Molluscs and crustaceans
Safety notice: Keep product away from children.
Shelf life: see stamp.
Store in a cool and dark area.
- BilligButikken
- Merch og annet
- Katt
- Hund
- Akvariefisk og annet
- Akvarieplanter
- Botanicals
- Aquascaping
- Akvarium
- Akvarie bakgrunner
- Akvariebord
- Akvariebøker
- Akvariedekorasjoner
- Akvarieutstyr
- Bunnsubstrat
- CO2
- Filter og reaktormedia
- Fiskefòr
- Oppdrett
- Plantetilbehør
- Rekefór, tilsetninger og utstyr
Teknisk utstyr
- Akvariebelysning
- Akvariefilter
- Akvariepumper
- Luftpumper
- Nitratfilter
- UV Filtrering
- Varmekolber
- Vannkjemi
- Vanntester
- Reptilutstyr
- Hagedam
- Newa Reservedeler
- Akvastabil Reservedeler
- Sicce reservedeler
- Oase reservedeler
- Aquael Reservedeler
- Aqua Nova Reservedeler
- AM-TOP Reservedeler
- Nyos
- Fluval Reservedeler
- Deltec Reservedeler
Eheim reservedeler
Eheim Utvendig filter
- Eheim eXperience
- Eheim Professionel 3 Reservedeler
- Eheim Professionel 4+
- 2074 Prof 3E
- 2076 - 2078 Prof 3E
- Eheim 2080 - 2180 Prof 3
- 2026 - 2128 Proff 2
- 2126 - 2128
- 2222 - 2324 Proff 1
- 2226 - 2228 Proff 1
- 2326 - 2328 Termofilter
- 2227 - 2329 Proff 1
- 2032 - 2034 Ecco Pro
- 2036 Ecco Pro
- 2231 - 2233 Ecco
- 2235 Ecco
- Eheim Classic 150 (2211)
- Eheim 2213 Classic 250
- Eheim 2215 Classic 350
- Eheim 2217 Classic 600
- Eheim 2260 Classic 1500XL
- Eheim Classic 1500 XL (2260)
- Innvendig filter
- Pumper
Eheim Utvendig filter
- Aquarium Systems
- Schego
- Aqua medic
- Juwel Reservedeler
- Tetra Reservedeler
- PVC Rør og Deler
- Porsa Rør-Porsa Bord
- Burfugler
- Utefugl
- Smådyr
- Spesialprosjekter
Zophobas Morio er kjent under flere navn som Zophobas, Superworms, kjempemelorm mm. Zophobas er en meget næringsrik larve med høyt proteininnhold, høyere enn i kylling og fisk. Insektmel av Zophobas larver har gjennomsnittlig følgende næringsinnhold:
- Protein 39-49%
- Fett 29-43%
Selges i gram.
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