As most of you know, the Directors at D-D and many of the staff are keen reefkeepers who have been cleaning the glass on their own tanks for many years, using all brands of magnets, attachments and home made scrapers. We have to say that this is the BEST cleaning magnet that we have EVER used.
For a long time we have been asked the MAG-Float guys to make this for us and they have done a fantastic job. The stainless blade seems to remove a full 65mm width strip of algae from the glass with a single pass, whereas other blades seem to miss patches and start to deteriorate after a few uses.
The relatively high cost of the XL MagScraper version reflects the high levels of rare earth magnet material used however it is comparable with other magnets cabable of use on such thick glass. It can be used for glass thicknesses between 10 and 19mm but will also work on 24mm glass if care is taken.
This is a must for aquatic shops too, as it halves the cleaning time and gets into places that a normal magnet will not reach.
Available sizes
- Product Code MAG03 - MagScraper large, for 16mm glass - dimensions for inner or outer magnet : 83mm L x 64mmW x 25mm D ( not including blade )
- Product Code MAG01 - MagScraper extra large, for 19mm glass - dimensions for inner or outer magnet: 115mm L x 64mm W x 25mm D ( not including blade )
- Product Code MAG02 - Replacement blades (pack of 2)

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Zophobas Morio er kjent under flere navn som Zophobas, Superworms, kjempemelorm mm. Zophobas er en meget næringsrik larve med høyt proteininnhold, høyere enn i kylling og fisk. Insektmel av Zophobas larver har gjennomsnittlig følgende næringsinnhold:
- Protein 39-49%
- Fett 29-43%
Selges i gram.
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