The Reef Aquarium Volume Three: Science, Art, and Technology Reefkeeping science involves the interplay of biology, chemistry, and physics. However, a reef aquarium is not simply a product of scientific knowledge. The application of engineering and its product technology, makes it possible to duplicate the specific biological, chemical, and physical requirements of a coral reef in a relatively small volume of water. This third volume in The Reef Aquarium series, provides the most thorough description of the science behind the creation of a captive reef, and critically reviews and explains the different philosophical approaches to reef aquarium design. It also describes and illustrates the existing as well as emerging technology for building reef aquariums, to help guide the selection of equipment, its proper use, and installation. While science and technology afford the blank canvas and tools to build a suitable life support system, the plants, animals, and of course the aquarist provide the final ingredient that we call art. This art also involves the system design as it relates to the living space, the aesthetic appearance of the display, and its ease of maintenance, safety, and functionality. To this end, this book provides a wealth of information regarding aquascaping techniques, which combine art, biology, and physics; and invaluable information regarding plumbing, electrical, and other aspects of the aquarium design that combine art and engineering. Lastly, this book discusses the benefits and potential environmental impacts of the marine aquarium hobby, the challenges for its future, and possible new directions. The Reef Aquarium volume three is the essential manual for all reef aquarium hobbyists, professional aquarists, and coral reef researchers who study, create, and enjoy coral reef ecosystems in the confines of an aquarium.
- BilligButikken
- Merch og annet
- Katt
- Hund
- Akvariefisk og annet
- Akvarieplanter
- Botanicals
- Aquascaping
- Akvarium
- Akvarie bakgrunner
- Akvariebord
- Akvariebøker
- Akvariedekorasjoner
- Akvarieutstyr
- Bunnsubstrat
- CO2
- Filter og reaktormedia
- Fiskefòr
- Oppdrett
- Plantetilbehør
- Rekefór, tilsetninger og utstyr
Teknisk utstyr
- Akvariebelysning
- Akvariefilter
- Akvariepumper
- Luftpumper
- Nitratfilter
- UV Filtrering
- Varmekolber
- Vannkjemi
- Vanntester
- Reptilutstyr
- Hagedam
- Newa Reservedeler
- Akvastabil Reservedeler
- Sicce reservedeler
- Oase reservedeler
- Aquael Reservedeler
- Aqua Nova Reservedeler
- AM-TOP Reservedeler
- Nyos
- Fluval Reservedeler
- Deltec Reservedeler
Eheim reservedeler
Eheim Utvendig filter
- Eheim eXperience
- Eheim Professionel 3 Reservedeler
- Eheim Professionel 4+
- 2074 Prof 3E
- 2076 - 2078 Prof 3E
- Eheim 2080 - 2180 Prof 3
- 2026 - 2128 Proff 2
- 2126 - 2128
- 2222 - 2324 Proff 1
- 2226 - 2228 Proff 1
- 2326 - 2328 Termofilter
- 2227 - 2329 Proff 1
- 2032 - 2034 Ecco Pro
- 2036 Ecco Pro
- 2231 - 2233 Ecco
- 2235 Ecco
- Eheim Classic 150 (2211)
- Eheim 2213 Classic 250
- Eheim 2215 Classic 350
- Eheim 2217 Classic 600
- Eheim 2260 Classic 1500XL
- Eheim Classic 1500 XL (2260)
- Innvendig filter
- Pumper
Eheim Utvendig filter
- Aquarium Systems
- Schego
- Aqua medic
- Juwel Reservedeler
- Tetra Reservedeler
- PVC Rør og Deler
- Porsa Rør-Porsa Bord
- Burfugler
- Utefugl
- Smådyr
- Spesialprosjekter
Zophobas Morio er kjent under flere navn som Zophobas, Superworms, kjempemelorm mm. Zophobas er en meget næringsrik larve med høyt proteininnhold, høyere enn i kylling og fisk. Insektmel av Zophobas larver har gjennomsnittlig følgende næringsinnhold:
- Protein 39-49%
- Fett 29-43%
Selges i gram.
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Må hentes i butikk